Privacy Policy

Welcome to, where satire reigns supreme, and seriousness gets the boot! Before you get your data-privacy knickers in a twist, let’s lay it all out for you:

1. This Is Satire, Baby

Let’s be crystal clear: is a satire blog. We don’t mean what we say, and we definitely don’t say what we mean. If you’re here expecting factual reporting, you’ve taken a wrong turn—Google Maps is your friend.

2. We Don’t Want Your Data

Honestly, we wouldn’t know what to do with it. Your data isn’t valuable to us—like, at all. We’re not data hoarders, and we’re too lazy to analyze your browsing habits.

3. Cookies? Never Heard of Them

Sure, our site might use some cookies, but we promise they’re the boring kind, not the chocolate chip kind. Feel free to delete them, block them, or ignore them. We’re not judging.

4. Don’t Sue Us, Please

Look, we’re just here to write stupid trash posts and make you laugh (or groan). If you take us seriously, that’s on you. Lawyers are expensive, and we spent our budget on bad puns and coffee.

5. Your Privacy, Your Call

Feel free to browse anonymously, use a VPN, or wear a tinfoil hat. We’re cool with whatever keeps you comfy.

By using, you acknowledge that we’re satire, you’re cool with that, and nobody’s suing anybody. Let’s keep it fun, shall we?

Questions? Complaints? Love Letters?

Hit us up at [email protected]—but don’t expect a quick reply. We’re busy coming up with the next dumb post.

Stay trashy,

The Team

Yep AI wrote this as well. I am too lazy and illiterate to write this